
About Me

The Mrs.
I'm a 20 something year old stay-at-home mother of a spirited preschooler and a cuddly soon-to-be toddler. Married to my best friend and trying to get used to living in a small town.

The Mr.
The man who stole my heart. He is a 20 something year old big kid. He is an amazing father and husband. After 6 years of marriage, he still knows how to surprise me.

Lil Miss
My baby who is on her way to 4, keeps us laughing everyday. She is sassy, smart and beautiful, and she knows how to test you. She loves exploring and is always on and adventure. She gives the sweetest kisses and best hugs. She impresses us everyday with what she can learn and pick up.

My mama's boy. On his way to 1! Calm and reserved, such a flirt already. He is on his way to walking and I'm sure climbing. Super smart like his sister.

The Pup
Our newest addition. He is our 9 week old Leonberger. He has already stole my heart along with the rest of my family.

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